Dear Estonian Methodist Theological Seminary family,

It is with great honor and joy that I welcome you to the start of a new academic year. I hope that we all have a year ahead full of new knowledge and spiritual growth. I am convinced that God has a special plan for each of us, and under His guidance, we will continue to carry forward the mission of the Seminary, contributing to His kingdom's work and having a positive impact on society at large.


 9:00 - classes begin  - 1st year students must be physically present
                                 - 2nd & 3rd year students may participate through Zoom.

You are very welcome to the Graduation Ceremony of the First Course and the XXVI Class of the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary on Saturday, 15 June 2024 at 15.00.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary, a conference will be held, the main speakers of which will be Rev. Dr. Jody Ray (Senior Pastor of Mt Bethel Methodist Church, Atlanta, USA) and Dr. Paul Bowman (President of the Holston Foundation, Tennessee, USA).

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Psalm 150:6

The BMTS and the Estonian Methodist Church are organizing a DAY OF MUSIC on February 3, 2024, starting at 11.00 a.m. in Tallinn Methodist Church!

You are invited to an open course where you can refresh your knowledge and skills in preaching. We will review the basics of communication theory, learn how to structure a sermon, and consider your audience.

The trainer of the seminar, Ukrainian pastor David Baltshosa, has a wide range of experience and practical teaching.
Responding to God's call, he is part of a team that started a church from scratch and now in 10 years has 10,000 people in several churches.

Come and celebrate this happy and important event with us! The event starts at 17:00 and the festive gathering is from 18:40 to 20:40 in the church cafeteria.

You are very welcome!

The BMTS invites you to the seminar  "Raising Generous Disciples" 
Lecturer: M. Scott Gilpin, Director of Development of the UMC General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

Lent Bible reading and listening in online. Lent begins February 22nd. Lent is the 40-day period (not counting Sundays) leading up to Easter traditionally seen as a time of fasting and repentance. Lent, then, is a season whereby

Every Christmas the BMTS wants to make a Christmas gift. This year we have chosen to support the theological education in Ukraine. We collect donations throughout December and pass them on to the Overseas Council Europe at the start of the next year.

We had the privilege to meet Ole-Magnus Olafsrud from Norway, one of the leaders of the Lausanne Movement and Barnabas Focus. He and his team are working to mobilize and prepare mentors for discipling younger generations.

16.06.2022 we celebrated the 24th graduating class to earn their Seminary degree! In addition to the main graduates, our students, teachers and staff, members of the Methodist Church, friends, associates and loved ones helped to make one of the most important events of the year special!

What to do if someone collapses at a church service, Bible study,
concert or lecture?
The first few seconds are critical to saving a life!

Be courageous, trust in God, and notice those in need around you. Even when we have it all planned out, it's always possible that things will turn out differently. Sometimes even things that usually stand firm, like the ground under our feet, can become unsteady.

We woke up on February 24th 2022 to celebrate Estonia's Independence day. Our celebrations became somber as we heard of Russia's attack on Ukraine's sovereignty with bombs falling on Kyiv.

Dr. Külli Tõniste has served as rector of Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary since August 2018. On September 4th, the  Estonian Methodist Annual Conference confirmed her continuation as rector for the next three years.

The founder and the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary Board Member, Superintendent Emeritus Olav Pärnamets is the recipient of the 2021 World Methodist Council Peace Award for his ministry during the Soviet era, as well as in the re-established Republic of Estonia.