You can be in partnership with the seminary by supporting it with your gifts and prayers!


Funds may be sent by direct bank transfer:

Account Holder: Eesti Metodisti Kirik

Account Holder's Address: Narva Mnt. 51, Tallinn 10152, Estonia

IBAN: EE842200221010980782


Bank Name: Swedbank

Bank Address: Liivalaia 8, Tallinn, 15040, Estonia


For Contributions from The United States 

Funds may be given online to: World Methodist Evangelism

World Methodist Evangelism

P.O. Box 8142, Lafayette, IN 47903

3072 Hamilton St, West Lafayette, IN 47906

Please be sure that you designate your gift to Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary.

If you are sending a larger donation, it is a good idea to notify the seminary so we can request to expedite it.

WORLD METHODIST EVANGELISM is a trusted partner and has provided a way to support BMTS since our founding in 1994. We are strengthening this relationship. World Methodist Evangelism has ONLINE GIVING available, which is simple. Make sure your gift is designated to BALTIC METHODIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. You can also make your gift monthly using a credit card.

Or use PayPal for donation: