On January 17, we had a gest from the Swiss Methodist Church, Ulrich Frei, who came to Estonia to visit the libraries and archives of the theological schools.

Ulrich Frei works as an archivist in a library and is currently researching and writing a soon-to-be-published book about Bishop John Nuelsen. Bishop Nuelsen played an important role in the birth and formation of the Estonian Methodist Church more than 100 years ago and therefore he was particularly interested in the Seminary library and historical archive. The visit also included a tour of the Tallinn Methodist Church building, meetings with the church leaders, the Seminary faculty and staff, and the “Koduteel” magazine editor Marjana Luist.

With were pleasantly surprised to learn that our guest is an Estonian e-resident and is also working on setting up an organization where one focus is on publishing and the other on organizing various forms of aid to Ukraine.

Mr. Frei plans to return to Estonia in May to continue his work on setting up his organization here.

We look forward to a fruitful and continued cooperation!