On February 10 of this year, a group of translators who belong to the Estonian Association of Translation Masters (ETML) visited our seminar.

This association was established in 2006, and their membership currently includes 62 graduates of master's studies and highly qualified specialists in translation work in Estonia.

In order to maintain and further develop your professionalism, you need to constantly upgrade yourself. In order to expand the circle of eyes, twenty ETML members decided to visit the Tallinn Methodist Church and the EMK Theological Seminary as part of the winter day. After exploring the church building, we gathered in the classroom for a coffee break.

The guests were welcomed by the Acting Rector of the Seminary, Taavi Hollman, who gave an overview of the work organization of the Seminary, technical tools, statistics and the international background of the students. We got an overview of the Seminar's teaching, which takes place through simultaneous translation in three languages ​​- Estonian, Russian and English. Such practice, which has characterized the Seminar for almost 30 years, is unique in the Estonian educational landscape.

In the second half of the meeting, a presentation on the translation of theological terms from English to Estonian was given by ETML founding member Tarmo Lilleoja - one of the translators of the Seminar. In Estonia, the language of faith has more the status of a language of knowledge, and ETML members had little contact and experience with it. However, the topic was exciting, raised questions and discussions. The response to the meeting was very positive from ETML.