And He himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers ... [to] promote the growth of the body for building itself up in love by the proper working of each individual part. Eph 4:11-16

Earn a bachelor's degree in Theology and Mission


 The full curriculum can be seen in Estonian and English on the Study Informational System TAHVEL

Is your desire to see growing and dynamic congregations?

Congregational Leadership and Multiplication

(33 ECTS)

Helping your congregation grow with topics such as: mentoring and discipleship, spiritual gifts and teamwork, pastoral theology, church planting, media in Christian ministry, youth ministry in the church, and more.

Is your desire to speak boldly to the world, as an evangelist and defender of the faith?

Gospel and Society

(33 ECTS)

Speak to society and be a defender of the faith on topics such as: how to effectively present the Gospel in the modern culture, the Apologetics of joy and beauty, prayer and power in Christian ministry, Christianity and social justice, controversial issues in the contemporary church, and more.

Is your desire to know the Bible from cover to cover as God's inspired Word to us?

Biblical Studies and Teaching

(33 ECTS)

Go deeper into the Bible with topics such as: how specific Biblical themes develop throughout the entire Bible, New Testament Greek, Biblical themes through church history, methods of biblical teaching and preaching, the role of the Bible in discipleship, and more.


Spiritual Formation 

(12 ECTS)

Practical Theology Part 1: Who are we and how do we live as Christians? Identity in Christ, Gifts of the Spirit, Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Formation in Community, and more.


(35 ECTS)

The foundation of our faith: An survey of the Old and New Testament, tools on how to interpret and understand the Bible for yourself, in depth study of John’s Gospel and Epistles, the Epistle to the Romans, Exodus, Old Testament Prophecy, the Acts of the Apostles, and more.

Theology, mission and church history

(38 ECTS)

Go deeper in understanding our faith: God, the Trinity and Christ, who is man and what is salvation? Apologetics, defending our faith. What does "Ethics" mean in today's world? What are the real differences and similarities between denominations? Estonian church history, and more.

Practical theology

(41 ECTS)

Practical theology part 2 - how to apply our faith in today's world? Evangelism, discipleship, pastoral care and counselling, preaching (homiletics), church growth, communication psychology, the nature of Christian leadership, and more.

The Theology and Mission program is offered in three parallel curricula based on the student's choice of study language: estonian, english or Russian.

The curriculum also includes a number of General Courses, Electives and the completion of a Diploma Paper or Diploma Project. The full curriculum can be seen in Estonian and English on the Study Informational System TAHVEL

If this program of study speaks to your heart: