Welcome to the church growth conference focusing on the role of the Holy Spirit in church planting, growth, development and revitalisation.
The conference keynote speaker will be Bud Simon, Ph.D, who spent 20 years in the northern Amazon as a missionary and church planter, as well as leading prayer teams serving church leaders, including during last year's Asbury Revival.
In addition to Bud Simon, we will hear from Phil Meadow, Ph. D, who led our church growth conference in 2020, as well as a panel discussion with Estonian church planters.
April 12, 14.00 - 18:00
April 13, 9.00 - 17:00
Participation on site, Narva mnt 51, Tallinn or through  Zoom.
PROGRAMME (more details coming soon).
Fri 12 April
14:00 - 17 Study sessions 
17:00 - 19:00 Prayer service.
Sat 13 April
9:00- study sessions
13:00 lunch
14:00 panel discussion 
15:00 study sessions
17:00 lecture
Those wishing to receive 2 ECTS in transfer credit should contact the BMTS Dean, Mark Nelson This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The conference will be conducted in English and Estonian, with simultaneous translation as needed into Estonian, English and Russian.
30 EUR - price for 2 days, includes Saturday lunch and coffee breaks, materials.
20 EUR - 1 day, includes Saturday lunch, coffee breaks, materials.
20 EUR - participation through Zoom
Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary, Kaire Lotamõis, 6688467, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pre-registration is required!