Andra Laum

I came to God through a difficult personal crisis. I had reached a point in my life where I could no longer cope on my own and I needed support and help. It was at this time that a relative invited me to a service at the Pentecostal Church in Kuressaare. I had never thought before that in Jesus there could be salvation, that God could be the solution for my life. I started attending church regularly and my life started to change very quickly. Out-of-control situations were resolved, and life became more stable and peaceful even before I had figured out for myself what I believed or if I believed at all. After a couple of years of participating in the life of the church, I decided that my old life was over and that I will go on with God. In 2017 I was baptised and became a member of the Kuressaare Pentecostal Church.
I work as a physiotherapist in a hospital and come in contact with many different people. In recent years I have discovered that I want to listen more to people, to be more empathetic and compassionate. I have a desire to be more involved in pastoral care, and I would like to learn more and improve in this area.
Why did I decide to come to the Seminary? Coming to study at the Seminary was a natural continuation of the Next Step Bible School. The Bible school gave me the basics, but I wanted to learn more about God. It was a very big step that I could only take through encouragement and support from others. I am grateful that God sent the right people into my life at the right moments. Suddenly the doors were open and I had
the opportunity to start my studies. Some obstacles supernaturally disappeared and I saw God's calling and leading in this. ‘
I have experienced God's loving guidance in my life. His plans for our lives are bigger than we can ask or even think!