This course introduces essential concepts for effective public speaking and presentations. Through appropriate preparation techniques, students will learn to overcome apprehensions about public speaking and become more confident and impactful speakers. The course runs from 28 January to 13 May.

Instructor: Ulvi Renser 

Credits: 3 ECTS (32 contact hours + homework) 

Tuesdays, 16:30–18:00 
Start Date: January 28 
Duration: 16 weeks 

Prerequisite: English at a minimum of B2 level. 

Maximum Participants: 20 

By the end of this course, students will be able to: 

  • Speak confidently in front of an audience, utilizing delivery skills such as eye contact, gestures, movement, and vocal variety. 
  • Adapt their speech to the needs and expectations of a specific audience. 
  • Select and research speech topics effectively. 
  • Develop strategies for organizing and outlining their speeches. 
  • Enhance key components of their speeches, including the introduction, conclusion, and transitions. 
  • Critically assess their own speaking performance and provide constructive feedback to others. 

Measurement of Learning Outcomes 

The learning outcomes will be evaluated through five public speaking exercises conducted throughout the course. These continuous assessments will be holistic, focusing on students’ ability to plan, draft, and deliver speeches, as well as critique their own and others' oral communication skills. 


The course includes five presentation assessments, each equally weighted at 20% of the final grade: 

  • Speech of Introduction: 3–5 minutes (20%) 
  • Informative Speech: 5–6 minutes (20%) 
  • Special Occasion Speech: 3–4 minutes (20%) 
  • Persuasive Speech: 7–8 minutes (20%) 
  • Group Presentation: 5–6 minutes per person (20%) 

Course Overview 

This course is designed to help students master the art of public speaking. It is interactive and intended for independent English users (preferably at B2 level or above). In a positive and supportive environment, participants will build confidence and improve their speaking skills through discussions, preparing and delivering speeches, giving and receiving constructive feedback, sharing tips and best practices, and more. 

EMK Theological Seminary, Kaire Lotamõis, 6688467, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pre-registration is required!

256 EUR - if the participant wishes to receive credits (3 ECTS). Requires at least 75% attendance of lectures and completion of all homework.

Recipient: Eesti Metodisti Kirik
Invoice number: EE842200221010980782
Explanation: Open Course - Dynamic Public Speaking