I am American, born in Brooklyn NY, and my family heritage is from Puerto Rico. I was raised in a Christian home.

My father was an elder and pastor. Both my parents still minster in Oregon. We were members of the Assemblies of God which is a Pentecostal denomination. We currently are members of Vineyard Tallinn which is part of the EKNK.
At 18 years of age, I left the church, and my faith, because what I was learning did not match. Jesus seemed ok but the rest I could do without. After a 10-year battle with drugs and alcohol I asked Jesus to heal me, and he did. Literally overnight my desire and addictions were gone. I decided to follow Jesus with all my life. The next 10 years was about growing in discipleship and discerning what to do with my life. Estonia has always been on my heart since I first visited in 2002. I was married to an Estonian in 2006 and moved here in 2018 to serve.
I guess you can call me a missionary, but I have moved here to participate in what God is doing. That is inside and outside of the church. I regular participate in church life serving on media, preaching and pastoral care, do projects with the food bank, and sometimes teach English to underprivileged students. Realtionships, realationships, relationships. I also work in corporate life in the AML and KYC fields. Not much time for hobbies but spending time with my wife and two young children is the best.
I came by the church to connect with Taavi Hollman and he told me about the seminary. I always wanted a theology degree and thought this was a great way to achieve that goal and build a network of likeminded believers.