Seminar "Children and War"

We are facing a world where a cruel and savage war is going on. Bombs are falling, homes are being hit by missiles, people are grieving. This is what everyday life looks like in Ukraine.We want to help them and also the children of Estonia and other European countries who suffer because of the war, are in mourning, and experience the loss of loved ones in their own lives.
We invite you on a therapeutic journey of trauma healing.
For whom: psychologists, teachers, social workers and pastors, church teachers.
When: 1.-3. March 2024
Where: Tallinn, Narva mnt 51, in the EMK building
The seminar consists of two parts:
1) Psychological support of a person during grief.
Grief is the suffering caused by the loss of someone close or something very precious. Therefore, this heartache affects a person's physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state. How to deal with this condition, how to understand it and help them on this journey - let's work through these topics together.
2) Spiritual and psychological support in crisis situations.
Getting to know the therapy project "Karu Upančik in the New Forest". The project includes a soft toy Upanchik cuddly and a book with two lines: the first - the story of the bear Upanchik, who experiences severe loss and grief; the second - resources for a psychologist who conducts a group or individual session.
In addition to theoretical knowledge, the seminar will give you many effective practical tools and techniques that you can easily use in your practice to help others.
The trainer is Oksana Gritsjuta, a practicing psychologist from Ukraine, and her professional team of trainers.
• Participation in the seminar costs 10 euros.
• Meals are free for participants.
• Hotel accommodation is free for participants from other cities.
• Each participant who completes the course receives a trainer's certificate, which gives him the right to teach
skills and methodology acquired at the seminar.
The number of participants is limited. Registration is open until 15.02.2024.
You can register here!
Organizers and supporters: "Salt of the Earth" Christian Church, Tallinn Bible Church, EMK Theological Seminary, Samaarlas kukkur.