21.01.2022 and 18.02.2022, 11.00-17.30

Family counselling is based on the understanding that family is a system where family members are interconnected and influence each other. Any change that concerns one family member affects every other member of that family.

Complicated family relationships, unforeseen life events, or worries about loved ones can transfer to the child’s school life manifesting in learning, communication or behavioural problems. Family counselling helps to understand the causes of problems and how they impact family members. With timely intervention, issues can be solved, as well as prevented.

It is a further training opportunity for our alumni and anyone engaged in helping and advising people in churches, different organisations or institutions, psychologists, counsellors, pastors, Sunday School teachers, social workers, pastors etc.

Time: 21.01 and 18.02, 11.00-17.30 (12 academic hours).

Place: Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary, Narva mnt 51, 1st floor, room 103.

Lecturer: Maire Latvala, PhD; e-mail: maire_i@yahoo.com

Goals and learning outcomes

The goal of the seminar is to give an overview of the emotional dynamics in the family, family crises, and ways to help families in crisis.

By the end of the seminar, the participant

- knows how the emotional processes function in the family

- can identify the main types of family problems

- understands the impact of their own family heritage on helping others

- knows what opportunities there are to help families in crisis

- is able to assess their own competence and boundaries in helping families.

The seminar will cover the following topics:

· Family life cycle

· Emotional family dynamics over three generations

· Differentiating from the family of origin

· The symptomatic cycle. Helper’s possibilities and limits


Day 1 21.01.2023. 11.00-17.30. (6 academic hours)

· Explanation of terms, lifespan development, religious development, developmental phases in family life.

· Emotional family dynamics.

· Family myths, legends, scripts.

· Genogram.

Day 2 18.02.2023. 11.00-17.30 (6 academic hours)

· The symptomatic cycle.

· Symptoms in children and adults within a family system: diseases, behavioural problems, drug addiction.

· Extrafamilial triangles.

· Divorce.

· Binuclear (blended) families.

· Helper as an instrument – possibilities and limits. Introspection.


To participate please register here.

The cost of attending the 2-day Family Counselling Seminar is 50 EUR. The fee includes training, study materials and coffee breaks.

You can pay in cash when you arrive, or by bank transfer:

Eesti Metodisti Kirik,

IBAN EE842200221010980782

Memo: Open Family Counselling Seminar.

In case you wish to receive credit points (2 ECTS), you need to complete two written assignments, do the required reading and attend a minimum of 75% of classes.

You can participate on-site or in Zoom.

The instruction language is Estonian, but we provide simultaneous translation into English and Russian (also in Zoom).

If you need more information, contact us at seminar@emkts.ee, or call +372 668 8467