Karmen Maikalu received the White Star Order as a spokesperson for children's mental health and well-being. Karmen is the head of the Estonian Association of School Psychologists and a psychologist at Põltsamaa Ühisgümnaasium. Congratulations!!!

I am very grateful for such noticing! This is a great recognition for all of us who deliver in the field of mental health! I am pleased that mental health issues are being addressed more and more seriously and systematically, both at national level and in churches, which gives hope that those in need will not be left alone with their concerns. It is important to make progress together concerning these issues so that people would notice the mental health problems, have the courage to talk about them, and ask for help.


Gideon camp with pond Calendar 2

The first study session will take place with an retreat from August 28-31, 2024.
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