Usuteaduslik Ajakiri (Estonian Theological Journal) is published by the Estonian Academic Theological Society and mediates research done in Estonian theological colleges and churches in the fields of theology and religious studies. 

The journal has an international editorial board, and articles are peer-reviewed. This special issue is focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and making sense of it: faith communities' responses to trauma and epidemics, past and present.

From the BMTS faculty members BMTS, Külli Tõniste, PhD, in collaboration with Professor Anne Kull of the University of Tartu has written the introduction to the journal. Douglas Robb Childress, M.Div. wrote the article "Early Christian Responses to Epidemics", and Meeli Tankler, D. Min., wrote the article "Estonian Christian Beliefs about the Corona Pandemic and their Relationship to Personal and Communal Beliefs". Dr Kelvin Friebel, a beloved and renowned guest lecturer at the BMTS, wrote an article entitled "Reading the Lament Psalms during the Pandemic".

Both this and previous issues of the magazine are available online at: