The rector must be a mature Christian, committed to the doctrine and ethos of the Estonian Methodist Church. The rector must have a record of achievement in leadership, ministry and higher education. An earned doctorate in a theological field is preferred but not required. The rector must be fluent in Estonian and English. Ability to speak and understand Russian as well is preferred.

The rector is the chief executive officer of the Seminary and, with the support of the senior leadership, faculty and staff, is responsible for leadership, academics and administration of the Seminary:


  1. The rector provides theological and educational vision and spiritual and administrative leadership in all matters pertaining to the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary, and creates a robust community of faith, learning, spiritual formation and practice.
  2. The rector leads the development and communication of a compelling vision for the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary that is translated into goals, strategies and policies to be approved by the Board of Trustees.
  3. The rector models professional and personal integrity, exemplifying the integration of faith, academic discipline and spiritual leadership.
  4. The rector demonstrates the ability to encourage those called into ministry to respond to the call and to complete their education, becoming equipped to fulfill their calling.
  5. The rector cultivates the rich benefits of the multiplicity of gifts in a seminary community blessed with students from highly diverse denominational, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
  6. The rector maintains a strong relationship with the Annual Conference of the Estonian Methodist Church according to the bylaws.
  7. The rector reports to the Board of Trustees and to the chair of the Board of Trustees (the resident bishop/district superintendent)
  8. The rector is responsible for leading the Seminary through the accreditation process


  1. The rector builds a culture that welcomes students into a learning environment led by a dedicated faculty and other staff.
  2. The rector cultivates a community of Christian scholars, inspiring excellence in teaching, preaching, research and ministry.
  3. The rector continually recruits and develops excellent faculty.
  4. The rector gives leadership in theological education in the Estonian Methodist Church, and in dialogue with Annual Conference leadership continuously develops the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary to be able to respond to the changing needs of the church and the society, in fulfilling the Church’s mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ.
  5. The rector serves as a teaching member of the faculty.


  1. The rector leads the management of all Seminary activities, supporting a strong administrative team that efficiently and effectively stewards the Seminary’s resources.
  2. The rector utilizes the principles and techniques of strategic planning and management, leading the administrative team in an efficient and positive manner.

External relations

  1. The rector leads the fundraising efforts of the seminary domestically and internationally, including the communication with present and potential donors.
  2. The rector communicates with the Estonia Ministry of Education
  3. The rector communicates with and relates to theological institutions domestically and internationally

Specific job description

The following describes in more detail the responsibilities of the rector of the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary. Several of the responsibilities listed will be carried out either in collaboration with or delegated to other staff and faculty members. 

General leadership tasks:

  1. Leads the Seminary as the chief executive officer, overseeing the operations and management of the faculty, staff, campus, and budget and serving as a faithful steward of all physical and financial resources.
  2. Delegates specific responsibilities to the academic dean and other staff
  3. Represents the Seminary and acts on the Seminary’s behalf without special commission; Signs contracts and opens Seminary bank accounts
  4. Leads the process of putting together the strategic development plan, and final formulation of this plan
  5. Keeps track of fulfilling the strategic development plan (together with the strategic development group)
  6. Leads monthly rector’s cabinet meetings, prepares agendas and follows up on decisions
  7. Prepares and participates in board of trustees meetings
  8. Reports to the chair of the board of trustees monthly and when needed
  9. Every three months and upon request informs the Annual Conference Board and the Board of Trustees about the current state of the Seminary

Faculty and staff

  1. Continually recruits and develops excellent faculty and staff.
  2. Meets with staff and faculty at least once a month and according to need.
  3. Participates in academic committee meetings (organized and chaired by academic dean)
  4. Participates in task forces as needed
  5. Performs annual employee appraisal conversations with faculty and staff
  6. Maintains working and collaborative working environment


  1. Recruits, enrolls and dismisses students
  2. Develops and maintains the spiritual environment of the seminary in order to support the spiritual formation of students as well as the faculty, motivates and encourages students and faculty.


  1. Ensures that the seminary is represented at the annual meetings of the Friends of Estonia
  2. Communicates with the Ministry of Education according to needs (answers letters and information requests)
  3. Develops contacts and represents the seminary.
  4. Works with other theological schools in Estonia and elsewhere.
  5. Participates in the educational roundtable of the Estonian Council of Churches
  6. Participates in meetings in international organizations (i.e. Methodist-related Schools in Europe; EEAA; IAMSCU, FEET etc.)
  7. Works with the Estonian Methodist Church and participates in clergy continuing education seminars, Annual Conference, etc.
  8. Works with other denominations
  9. Ensures that the Seminary is involved in ministry and service to the community
  10. Is responsible for the monthly newsletter/prayer chain letter (languages: Estonian, English and Russian)

Financial leadership:

  1. Has continuous overview of the financial situation of the seminary
  2. Monitors the budget
  3. Puts together the budget proposal
  4. Presents the financial report to the Board of Trustees
  5. Is responsible for the fundraising of the seminary, including but not limited to ensuring that the following is accomplished:
    1. Monitoring donations and putting together the financial prognosis
    2. Ensuring correspondence with sponsors
    3. Meetings with sponsors and their representatives
    4. Looking for new sponsors
    5. Fundraising trip once a year to the US (with organizational help from BOT members)
  6. Writing projects in order to apply for financial support from different foundations, churches and denominations
  7. Follow the best practices of fundraising, including sending thank you letters, sending required information, etc.
  8. Works with the development committee of the BoT

Job review:

  1. There will be an annual job review
  2. The review process is determined by the board of trustees and lead by the resident bishop/district superintendent.