Arne Hiob is an Estonian church minister and theologian, author of books, radio and television programmes. He is married and has three adult children.

"I was finally convinced of my Christian faith in May 1986, a few days after my baptism and the taking of Holy Communion. I had been searching for God for several years - and now, suddenly, in my room, I felt the scales had finally tipped. I belong forever to God and to Jesus, who is alive and near. With a great shout of joy I began to rejoice. There have been difficult moments afterwards, but thank God, no doubts about Christian revelation and faith" - Arne Hiob described.
In 1993, he was ordained as Teacher of the EELK Tallinn St. John's Parish. As of 1 November 2023, he has been appointed to emeritus status by the Consistory of the EELC.
In parallel, he has been a lecturer in systematic theology at the EELC Institute of Theology since 1994. He has been a guest lecturer at the University of Tartu, Tallinn University, the Estonian Academy of Arts and the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.
As a tour guide, he has organised dozens of trips to Israel, Rome, Patmos, Greece, the Monastic Republic of Athos, Italy, Malta, Jordan and Germany, visiting places with a particular focus on spiritual and historical themes.

Systematic theology I
Systematic theology II

Minisrty Experience:
1994 - 2013 EELK Institute of Theology
1993- Teacher of the EELK Tallinn St. John's Parish.
1996-2000 University of Tartu, PhD, thesis "The main features of Uku Masing's philosophy of religion".
1986-1994 Institute of Theology of the EELC, Master's degree, thesis "The four cornerstones of Lutheranism".
1968-1979 Türi Secondary School

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