I remember praying the prayer of a person who has an aversion to extreme heat, “Lord, I will go anywhere you send me, but please, don’t send me anywhere warm.” Through a call to serve in Estonia, God has answered my prayer! 

God has called me both to be a pastor and educator. I am excited to share God’s saving and transforming message with all I meet as well as share the history of the church and how God’s Spirit has been at work in the lives of believers who have gone before us, especially John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement. I truly believe people may learn from their wisdom and example for the transformation of themselves, the church, and the world. I enjoy sharing this message with students and challenge them to discern how what they learn about the past may be used by these future leaders for the church today. 

Courses: Early and Medieval Church, Reformation, The Enlightenment to Today, Theology of Worship, Practice of Worship, Followers of Christ 

Ministry Experience: 

  • Eesti Metodisti Kiriku Teoloogiline Seminar, Chapel Coordinator, since 2016 
  • Eesti Metodisti Kiriku Teoloogiline Seminar, Lecturer, since 2015 
  • Estonian Methodist Church, Pastor of International Ministry, since 2015 
  • General Board of Global Ministries missionary since 2015 
  • Upper New York Annual Conference (UMC), Pastor, 2006-2015 


  • Asbury Theological Seminary, USA, M.Div 2004 
  • Grand Valley State University, USA, BA in Legal Studies, cum laude, 1999 
  • Lansing Community College, USA, AA in Business, cum laude, 1998 

Church Membership: 

Upper New York Annual Conference (UMC), Ordained Elder, since 2011 

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