One meaningful moment for me was when a student returned from a Seminary mission practicum among the Khanty people in Siberia saying, “This can’t stop with a Seminary program, we have to get the churches involved!” What started as a Seminary learning experience created a missions program that encouraged the Estonian church to do what only Estonians can do: reach their kindred nations with the Gospel. It also gave me the chance to teach the Bible in a tipi on the Arctic Circle in Siberia! God gives amazing opportunities when we are faithful to His call!

Courses: Old and New Testament Survey, Hermeneutics I & II, Apologetics, Ethics

Ministry experience:

  • Eesti Metodisti Kiriku Teoloogiline Seminar,Dean, since 2014
  • Eesti Metodisti Kiriku Teoloogiline Seminar,Lecturersince 1996
  • Estonian Methodist Missions Committee chair,2009-2017
  • Estonian Evangelical Alliance Mission Committee chair, 2004-2017
  • HõimurahvasteAeg editorial board 2006-2017
  • Finno-Ugric Bible school director 2008-2015


  • Nordiska Bibelinstitut, Sweden 1989-1991
  • BA in Systematic Theology, cum laude, Briercrest Bible College, Canada 1993
  • MA in Systematic Theology, summa cum laude, Tyndale Theological Seminary, Netherlands, 2002

     Thesis: The Theological Implications of Old Testament Historiography. Advisor: Ellis Brotzman

Church membership:

Ordained deacon, Estonian Methodist Church since 2010.

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