What to do if someone collapses at a church service, Bible study,
concert or lecture?
The first few seconds are critical to saving a life!

What to do until the ambulance arrives?
Come and join a CPR training course where we will learn life-saving first aid and resuscitation techniques.

On Tuesday, 10 May 2022 from 18:00-20:45.

Tallinn, Narva mnt 51 auditorium, entrance from the side door of the parking lot.

The training will be conducted by first aid instructor Gunnar Richter.

Those who have completed the training will receive a certificate.
Please register at the following link https://forms.office.com/r/aKWC3hNvMu.
Please pay the participation fee of €5 (including coffee break and certificate) in advance to the account below:
Estonian Methodist Church, IBAN EE842200221010980782, with the reference "Revival Training".

Translation into Russian and English
The training is supported by the Estonian Council of Churches