We had the privilege to meet Ole-Magnus Olafsrud from Norway, one of the leaders of the Lausanne Movement and Barnabas Focus. He and his team are working to mobilize and prepare mentors for discipling younger generations.

Their goal is to provide globally lifelong mentorship for young leaders in mission. From East Asia to Latin America, Francophone Africa to Oceania, our regional directors help facilitate connections for mission and give leadership to Lausanne’s initiatives across 12 continental or sub-continental regions. Lausanne has diverse issue networks, each led by Lausanne catalysts and centered around a pressing missional opportunity or challenge. These smaller groups of influencers focus on various critical mission topics like the Gospel and Culture, Children at Risk, and Business as Mission. Twelve Regional Directors provide insight on how issues are being contextually adopted in their regions.

The Lausanne Movement connects

influencers and ideas for global mission,

with a vision of the gospel for every person,

disciple-making churches for every people and place,

Christ-like leaders for every church and sector,

and kingdom impact in every sphere of society.

Our students were offered the opportunity to work together with the Lausanne movement. While working in their own field, they can influence and inspire other Christians globally and vice versa - to be inspired and built up by the activities of other Christians around the world!

You can read more about the Lausanne movement here: https://lausanne.org/about-the-movement