Letter of condolences at the funeral of bishop Sundo Kim

Piiskopi kiri

On behalf of the Northern Europe and Eurasia Central Conference, the Estonia Annual

Conference and the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary, I offer you my deepest condolences on the death of bishop Sundo Kim.

During his long servant ministry, bishop Sundo Kim became a world leader and role model in world methodism. Based on his commitment to biblical scholarship, mission and prayer, bishop Sundo Kim and the Kwang Lim Methodist Church became instrumental in the building of the

Baltic Mission Center in Tallinn, Estonia and the creation of the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary of which he was a committed supporter. The sanctuary of the Baltic Mission Center is dedicated as the Kwang Lim Memorial Sanctuary, and the brass plate at the entrance will forever be a visible sign of the bond between our churches and a strong testimony to the leadership bishop Sundo Kim – he will forever remain in our memory as a great supporter and inspiring benefactor of the mission of the United Methodist Church in Estonia.   

Today, we give thanks to God for the life and witness of bishop Sundo Kim, may he rest in peace and rise in glory. 

