The next course I was asked to teach was a Pastoral Care course which was much more specific and required an extensive and thorough preparation. I had recently audited counselling classes at Asbury Seminary and completed the pastoral care lay training course by Stephen Ministries while in US, meaning that this freshly acquired knowledge had to be now worked through and adapted to the Estonian context. I have always enjoyed teaching, the students inspire me, their feedback and questions motivate me to further my knowledge and teaching skills.  

Living in another city, I had to come to Tallinn for each teaching session, but meanwhile was not much connected to Seminary life. In 2007, things changed as the standing Rector was about to leave and the Seminary was looking for a new leader. One of the Board members approached me and asked me to consider whether this would be my calling. It took me by surprise and I initially declined. At the same instance God struck a deep chord within me. I had felt for a while that God was calling me to make a further commitment and had been wondering whether it was a call to ordained ministry. Now I understood that it was the call to take up Seminary leadership. In 2008, when the position was published, I applied and was elected. The following nine years, while also carrying out the teaching duties, were intense and full of challenges. However, knowing that it was not my decision but a response to God’s call, gave me strength and enabled me to see His blessings.  

Although since Autumn 2018 I’m again travelling for Seminary teaching sessions, I still want to be part of the Seminary family and the mission that God has called it to fulfill.  

Courses:  Introduction to Psychology; Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counselling; Introduction to Philosophy 

Ministry Experience 

  • Eesti Metodisti Kiriku Teoloogiline Seminar, lecturer since 1999  
  • Eesti Metodisti Kiriku Teoloogiline Seminar, Associate Professor in Practical Theology, 2013-2018  
  • Eesti Metodisti Kiriku Teoloogiline Seminar, rector, 2009-2018 

Pärnu Agape UMC:  

  • Choirmaster and organist since 1984 
  • Musical director 1984-2009 
  • Children’s ministry leader and Sunday School teacher 1988-2009 
  • Member of the Church Board 1994-2009 
  • Leader of the women’s ministry steering group since the beginning of 1990s 
  • Leading Bible studies and Bible study series. 


  • Member of the UMCE Church Board since 2000 
  • Local preacher since 2000 
  • Project manager for compiling UMCE children’s ministry resources, 2003-2009 
  • Member of the Children’s Ministry Committee 2007-2009 
  • Founding member of the UMCE Women’s Union in 1993 and board member 1993-2005 

Ecumenical ministry:  

  • Member of the women’s World Day of Prayer ecumenical worship committee since 1994 
  • Member of the Ecumenical Forum of European Christian Women Estonian Workgroup since 2000,  
  • co-ordinator in Estonia 2006-2009 
  • UMC representative at the Education Roundtable of the Estonian Council of Churches since 2009 

UMC Central Conference:  

  • Central Conference lay delegate 1993, 2005, 2009, 2012, 2016 
  • Member of the Central Conference Executive Committee since 2012 

UMC General Conference:  

  • General Conference lay delegate 2004 and 2012, alternative delegate 2008 and 2016 
  • Member of the General Commission of the Status and Role of Women of the UMC and 2004-2012 as a representative of the UMC 3 European Central Conferences 

International ecumenical involvement:  

  • Vice-President (1996-2001) and president (2001-2006) of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women European District, member of its Executive Committee (1996-2006) 
  • Member of the European Methodist Council since 2001; 2010-2014 member of its Executive Committee  
  • Leading Bible Studies at the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women European District Conferences (Switzerland 1995, Norway 1998, England 2009) and at the International Seminary of the Ecumenical Forum of European Christian Women in Haapsalu, Estonia, 2007 


  • 1974- 1978 Tallinn Pedagogical University, Diploma* Γ-II № 357789 in Librarianship and Bibliography 
  • 1987-1991 University of Tartu, Diploma* № 00496 in Psychology 
  • 1994-1996 Tallinn Pedagogical University, postgraduate studies in psychology (incomplete) 
  • 1997-1998 Audited courses at Asbury Theological Seminary (Wilmore KY, USA): Crisis Counselling; Pauline Epistles; Pentateuch; Anthropology for Christian Mission; Marriage and Family Counselling; Biblical Hermeneutics 
  • 2001-2005 MA in Education, University of Tartu, Diploma CA004090 
  • 2013 D.Min., Asbury Theological Seminary (Wilmore KY, USA)  

Church Membership 

  • Tallinn Kalju Baptist Church, 1973-1983 
  • Pärnu Agape UMC since 1983 

* Five-year higher education diploma. 
