With trembling knees, I preached my first sermon about the woman with an issue of blood who was healed by touching the cloak of Jesus. I could not even imagine that preaching and teaching would be my calling. Yet, since that day, I have taught in many different churches, done radio programmes on Pereraadio and Radio 7, TV programmes on Life TV and Heaven TV 7, lectured in public schools and conducted various training courses in the secular world.

In my early teens, my chemistry teacher announced in fury that I would end up either in prison or be hanged. Now I can joke that he was 'nearly a prophet', as from 1997 I started volunteering in the Estonian prison system and since spring 2009 I do indeed spend most of my waking hours 'behind the bars', but not in the way the teacher predicted. I have privilege to serve as a chaplain in Tallinn Prison, the biggest one in Estonia.

I have been married since 2000 and we have one child. I have had a long interest in sports, reading books and hiking.

Courses: Hermeneutics, Estonian Church History, New Testament Theology, New Spirituality in 21st Century Estonia

Ministry experience:
2021 Lecturer, BMTS
2011.04 Director, Valguse Tee Bible School, Union of Estonian Evangelical and Free Churches
2009.03 Chaplain, Tallinn Prison
2006-2008 Assistant pastor, Valguse Tee Free Church, Union of Estonian Evangelical and Free Churches
2001-2006 Assistant pastor, Tallinn Living Water Church
1998-2000 Bible teacher, Valguse Tee Free Chruch
1995-1997 Assistant pastor, Tallinn Full Gospel Hosianna Church
1993-2001 Teacher, translator, Domata Bible School

2020 M.A. in Studies in Christian Culture, Institute of Theology of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church, thesis title Spiritual Gifts and Manifestations of the Spirit from Apostolic Fathers to Augustine
2006 B.A. in Theology, cum laude, Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary. B.A. paper title Effataa Revival
1994 Domata Bible School

Church membership:
Valguse Tee Free Church, Union of Estonian Evangelical and Free Churches

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